Outdoor Sports Clothing Manufacturer
О процессе производства образцов Nov 03 , 2021

The important link of sample production;

A) Cutting, pay attention to the direction of fabric cutting pieces and silk track, check the number of samples, and record the layout

Fabric width, single material

Rate, cut pieces complete, cut and sample check, no error:

B) It is difficult for the sampler to analyze the technical points of the style in detail after receiving the production order and sample cutting

Point, key, famous species and accessories)

The sampler found that the design could not be sewn or had good suggestions in the process of making, and

Design and communication together to solve, but under normal circumstances can not change the design effect. To avoid giving samples

The effect was beyond repair.

The use of ingredients, design the processing method of sewing process, and strive to achieve simple process

Principle, suitable for mass production. In the discovery of the length of the sample, the size of the difference can not be stitched, to reflect the plate division in time, need

To modify the length, ask the edition division to modify,

When modifying the cut, it must also be on the sample

If the sample is modified, the sample is not in conformity with the sample, which is found to be serious in the production of the garment

The sampler and the patterner are equally responsible.

D) After the sample is completed, carefully check whether there is any omission. The appearance should be clean, the production should be fine, and the open line should not jump

Линия, свободная леска, потерянная леска, беспроводная головка, мертвая складка, грязный остаток, поврежденный, гладкий след, внутри, лицевая сторона плоская, левая и правая

Симметричный, технические характеристики соответствуют конструктивным требованиям.

F) Производство различных образцов для массового производства, для достижения наилучшего эффекта, необходимо много раз модифицировать, но один

Проблемы пытаются быть на месте в модификации, требования второй модификации и вторая модификация не могут оказаться одной и той же проблемой, а

Как обычно, процесс должен быть завершен для достижения стандартного эффекта второго образца.

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